Are You Ready to ✨thrive✨ and not just survive?
I'm here to help you transform your homeschool!
Whether you are newbie or seasoned homeschool mama, this proven framework will guide you step by step through bringing your unique vision for your homeschool to life!
Join me on a journey to uncover your passion for homeschooling! I'm going to show you my tried and true method to feeling confident in your ability to teach your own kids but also to see your homeschool in a totally new way!
Home Education is an ART
this course will leave you with more than just ideas + a vision, you will have a clear plan, exact implementation strategies, and the motivation you need to bring your vision to life!
☁️ Can you imagine if...
You could not just successfully homeschool your kids, but you could actually love it too:
You could not just survive but thrive as a homeschool mom
You could ditch the comparison game and feel confident in educating your kids!
You could wrap up your school day in just a few hours!
You could have a clear vision for your home and all the tools to execute it daily.
Homeschooling has the potential to be about so much more than checklists and worksheets. It's about casting a vision, creating a framework, assessing your children's learning styles, and implementing new rhythms in your home to make learning a part of almost all that you do!
But don't just take my word for it...👏🏻

👋🏻 Hey friend,
I'm Angela
I'm dedicated to helping moms thrive in a world that often diminishes the value and importance of a mother. I'm also a mom to 8 children, ages 17 to 4 years old, and a "Varsity" homeschool mom - entering my 12th year as a home educator.
Together with my family, we run a small hobby farm in South Carolina, which is home to horses, llamas, pigs, chickens and so much more!
📌I've been exactly where you are!
When it comes to doubting yourself as a homeschool mom, feeling the guilt, the overwhelm, the struggle to respond to the naysayers - I've been there and got the t-shirt 😜
If you can relate, then the Art of Home Education is definitely for you.
I want to help you tune out the world around you and build your confidence with evidence!
Once you create a complete vision, understand how your child learn, find what is motivating them, build schedules you can stick to, and discover your unique role as a home educator, you'll have the tools you need to move forward with clarity and CONFIDENCE!!!
⭐️I know you have what it takes... let me show you!⭐️
Are you ready?
If you are ready to build your homeschool on solid ground or rebuild what isn't working, then you can sign up right now and get started TODAY!
ENROLL NOW!Here's what is waiting for you inside the course...
join me on a journey to uncover your passion for homeschooling + create a clear vision for your family...
The Course Begins NOW!

It starts with a vision...

and then we build a foundation...

Now we pick a Curriculum!

Next we just on the planning train...

and then you find your rhythms, routines + organize it all.

Finally, the enrichment of it all!
but wait, there's more! BONUSES!!!

✅ Success is within reach my friend...

You've got this! 👊🏻
I have no doubt you have exactly what it takes to not just school your kids at home, but to do it well, and to really enjoy the journey!
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